"No I didn't give you the gift of life, but life gave me the gift of you!"
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Screaming Babies
Okay, so I am at the mall, working at our company's kiosk trying to drum up some business - to feed the baby you know - and all I hear is screaming babies.....they are everywhere......and I think to myself, "what in the world am I doing? :) Do I really want one of those?" And then I calm down, and tell myself, that my baby won't do that, and I feel a ton better. :) hehe
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Just Let a Girl Be
OshKosh knows that I am online obsessing over my adoption research (reading other family's blogs and such :) and so they sent me yet another 70% off coupon; haven't they seen my daughter's closet?
Kaz Idol
I 'borrowed' this clip from another blog and just loved it. This is the Kaz version of American idol, check out the last guy jamming on his Dombra, I actually kindof dig his music!
Baby Signs

In college, I took a sign language course that I thoroughly loved, and low and behold, on one of my shopping sprees at Barnes & Noble I discovered videos to introduce sign language to your baby. I love this idea! I especially love this since she will be in transition in terms of language, she will be just starting to process Russian when I come in and throw her for a loop with English. If you haven't watched any of these Sign Language for kids cds, do, they are amazing! Sign language will give us both an opportunity to communicate with each other; babies start signing before verbalizing, if we understand & notice it or not, and what a great way for her to find her voice and help me understand what it is that she is trying to convey. I am super pumped about this! There are videos for both the adults and another to share with your child, plus there are board books to share with your child as well, so we can read about the animals, mealtime, bedtime or bathtime and sign together! Rock on! I am a great mom already!!!! hehehe
Prepared or Ridiculous?

Okay, so here is the start to my packing for my trip to meet my daughter. Nope, no travel date yet, probably won't have one for a couple months, but just thought that I would start getting ready just in case. :) Seriously, I have zero idea how in the world I will fit everything into 2 suitcases...... One medium suitcase is already packed w/ mainly medicines alone. Yikes! So much more to pack......thus the Space Bags. :) Always thinking!
A couple photos of her room

The nursery is a work in progress, we are still waiting for window treatments, the crib, rocker cushions, etc. but I thought that I would post a couple 'in process' photos of her new little hang out. :)
Is it crazy that her closet is already full, had to add a second shelf even, and I don't even know what size she is yet? Hmmmmm - Just thinking ahead.....so we have clothes from 3 months - 18 months. :)
Cabbage Patch Kids

As I have been getting my daughter's room ready, I noticed something that I hadn't quite realized yet, all of those Cabbage Patch Kids were ALSO adopted and have their own adoption papers. :) I love this! I think that only 3 of the babies adoption papers were actually saved, but how wonderful to know that her dolls were adopted too! These were the same dolls that I loved and now I get to share them with my daughter; who knew that I would actually enjoy these dolls so much in my adult life. :)
The little doll in the box is brand new and was a gift from Aunt Becky, this baby is a little Asian Cabbage Patch and her name is Cynthia Katrina. Her adoption papers have yet to be opened, so I am not quite sure where it is that she is from. :)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
When Love Takes You In - Steven Curtis Chapman
I just had to post this YouTube video too, the actual video is so heart warming and speaks to adoption.
Important Arrival in Kaz!
I just received an email from my coordinator, Anne, and my Dossier arrived in Kazakhstan today!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is such great news! Again, what does it mean???? Not really sure, but what I do know is that my travel is getting closer and closer and I will meet my daughter soon! :) I am told that my dossier will be at the Ministry in Astana, Kazakhstan for 2-3 months and within this time, my agency, LMI, will be looking for my daughter! I should know what region I will be adopting from in the next 3 months, fingers crossed, and hopefully travel soon after that! On Anne's email she confirmed what I was looking for so LMI could start the search:
* 6-15 months old
* Girl
* Preferably Kazak or a Kazak mix
* As healthy as possible
* Open to blind travel or a Referral
* Prefer to travel to Astana, Aqtobe, Esik or Karakastek (all are 2-trip regions, and 2 are blind travel regions and the other 2 are possible referral regions)
* 6-15 months old
* Girl
* Preferably Kazak or a Kazak mix
* As healthy as possible
* Open to blind travel or a Referral
* Prefer to travel to Astana, Aqtobe, Esik or Karakastek (all are 2-trip regions, and 2 are blind travel regions and the other 2 are possible referral regions)
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
How in the world do I find out who has left comments on my blog and how to email them back? Anyone know? I have a couple people that have left comments that I would love to talk to. :)
Allina Clinic in Coon Rapids Rocks!
Okay, so today I went in to have my travel visit with Dr. Gordon, and all went very well. I ended up getting a Polio and Hep A/Hep B shot, plus I had my blood drawn to see if I still was immune to MMR, too many shots and needles for me in one day. :) Anyhow, the shots were completely painless, yahoo, and having my blood drawn was a piece of cake too. When I left the clinic, it was a huge relief, now I only have 2 follow up Hep A/ B shots to go. :) Dr. Gordon also gave me a presription for my Typhoid pills, instead of making me have another shot, thanks heavens for him! :) Now, I am rockin' and rollin' on to the next phase of my checklist! :) Time to find an international doctor now!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Okay, I Need Some Prayers Coming My Way PLEASE!!!
I am freaking out a bit, Wednesday, the day after tomorrow, ugh it is coming too fast, is the day that I go in for my first set of 17 immunization shots. Cry cry cry! Stress, Stress, Stress! Okay, so it is not 17 shots really, but is sure seems like it will be. 1 shot is too many and I think that I will be getting 5 or 6 shots total. At least now I will never be worried again about getting Rabies (one of the possible vaccinations that I will be getting), such a worry for me in the past. :) hehehe I believe that I also reported in the past, but thanks to my medical for my Life Insurance, I now know that I 100% do not have HIV either. Not that I am promiscuous, still a virgin actually, but that is one of those dreaded tests that you really don't want to know about. I remember in college getting my first AIDS test, just because it was the right thing to do, and the nurse applauded me for stepping up and having the test, she said, "It is so good that you want to know this." Ummmmm No, I really don't, should it come back positive I would flip out and truly I was not sure what I would do or how I would deal, but I knew even then that I had to find out for the other person in my world, not for me, I didn't want to know. So here I am again, and I am a-ok. Thank Heavens! But still pray for me on Wednesday please, the preacher at church this week said that you shouldn't necessarily pray for yourself, that others should pray for you and likewise, I should pray for others, so I am asking you to pray for me. Is that against the rules? :)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Interesting Tidbit
Per my 'The Complete Book of International Adoption' book, it states that:
Research suggests that only a little over 4% of heavy drinkers will give birth to a child with FAS (Abel, 1995); however, this statistic does not address the risk of other, less obvious impairments along the FASD spectrum.
I guess that I figured the chances of a child born to an alcoholic parent(s)to have FAS would be much higher than just 4%.
Research suggests that only a little over 4% of heavy drinkers will give birth to a child with FAS (Abel, 1995); however, this statistic does not address the risk of other, less obvious impairments along the FASD spectrum.
I guess that I figured the chances of a child born to an alcoholic parent(s)to have FAS would be much higher than just 4%.
"Cross-Cultural Adoption" by Amy Coughlin & Caryn Abramowitz

Child's Question Regarding the Adopted Child: 'Who are her real parents?'
Sensitive to the point answer by the adult: 'She has 2 sets of parents: her birth parents and her adoptive parents. They're both real. We refer to the mom and dad who gave birth to her as her birth parents , not her "real parents" or "natural parents." The parents who adopted her are every bit as real and natural as those who gave birth to her. They are her real parents by adoption. When you see how her parents talk to her, hug & kiss her, play with her, read her bedtime stories, keep her safe, and take care of her when she's sick, you can tell those are her real parents. Those are her real parents and she is their real daughter.
2nd Question by child: 'Why does she look different?'
Answer from Adult: 'She looks different from her parents because she comes from somewhere else. But lots of families look different from each other, even when the children are not adopted. Besides, except for identical twins, everyone looks different. It's kind of nice to look different - the world would be a pretty boring place if everyone looked the same!
So Many Emotions
Last week was quite emotional for me, I wondered several times if I was a lunatic for starting this journey on my own and in such a tough real estate market (for those that don't already know, I am a realtor.) And then last night, as I passed the waiting high chair in my Dining area, I felt an overwhelming sadness that my daughter was not yet here. I worry for her often and hope that her caregivers are giving her many kisses, changing her soiled diapers, engaging & talking with her and comforting her when she cries. I can only have faith that she will be okay until I arrive. This morning at church, I again felt a huge sadness to be without my daughter, I nearly started crying at the beginning of the service while everyone was singing. I just worry for her and pray that she is well. Please send prayers for her little being, I worry that she needs many prayers.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Map of Kazakhstan

I know that I have posted a couple maps before, but I just found these two maps that I found interesting. The first map shows the neighboring countries and many of the Lakes, Rivers, Seas and Mountain ranges. The second map shows a couple additional cities that the previous maps I posted have not shown. :) Again, I could be adopting from Shymkent, Taraz, Esik, Almaty, Karakastek, Astana, Aqtobe or Semey. Just click on the photo of the map to enlarge the photos so you can really view them.
Photos From Kazakhstan

Well, I am trying to order a book from Barnes & Noble online, but am having little luck. Anyhow, here are some photos from the book, it is a book of photos from Kazakhstan, I thought that these might be fun to post so you can see some of what Kaz life is like. Just click on the photos to enlarge them so you can read the text and understan each photo better. :)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Prepared for Anything!

Checked off my travel list: Mild Sedative, Antihistamine, Decongestant, Motion Sickness drug, Ibuprofen, Laxative, Cough Suppressant, Throat Lozenges, Antacid, Bacterial Cream, 1% Hydro cortisone Cream, Eye Drops, Band aids, Vaseline, Bottles with interchangeable nipples, Nix Rinse & Shampoo, Liquid Detergent, Toilet Paper, Small Funnel, First Aid Kit, Baby Wipes, Antibacterial Gel.........
And the dresser top is also filled with goodies for the baby: rattles, stuffed animal, chewie toys, wash cloths, etc. :)
We are getting there!
Congratulations Sandi!
Another Single Kaz Adoptive Mom Internet Friend of mine (that was long :) hehe) just emailed that her paperwork was just sent to the Ministry in Kaz and she received her call today from her agency that she will be traveling to Kaz to pick up her daughter in November. Yahoooo! Sandi is only a couple weeks ahead of me in the paperwork process, so maybe I will still travel yet this year? All agencies and regions are different though, so I am sticking with the thought that I will travel early next year now. Looks like Sandi will be adopting her little one from Kostanai, where that region is, I am not yet sure .......... but will post once I find out. :) Congratulations Sandi!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Two Cheers for Mom!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Sleeping Buddies

This weekend was my Grandma Roling's 80th Birthday, so I headed over to South Dakota for her party. :) My cousin Stacy made this sweet afghan for my daughter, isn't it so cute, so I am now sleeping with Mr. Teddy and the afghan until I travel to Kazakhstan. My hope is to then leave the bear and the blanket with her in her crib so she remembers me each night when she falls asleep, hopefully she will start to recognize my smell and feel calmed by the smell of the blanket and the bear while I am away from her.
Thank you Stacy, AJ, Connor, Alanna & Kaiden!
Naked Babies

Okay, so long story short, my mom went through the cedar chest and decided that I was now old enough and settled enough to get my old Cabbage Patch Dolls from when I was just a girl......so here they are, all 12 of them. :) I am now Clorox'ing' their little faces and washing their little clothes to get them ready for my daughter. :) So fun!
The totally nude little bald guy in the front row between the two little redheads was my very first one, Dad fought another guy at Pamida for him.....and Dad won! :)
Sad Tonight!
Well, today I emailed Anne, my coordinator, to see how my dossier is coming along. I was told 2-6 weeks for my dossier to be in translation, and as of this Thursday, it would have been 6 weeks, so I had to email looking for an update. After some digging, Anne found out that their computer system hadn't been updated since last week because my dossier has been at the consulate since the 4th of September, nearly a week now. :) It will be at the consulate, here in the states, for 3-4 weeks (has already been there a week) and then it is off to the Ministries in Astana which is predicted to be another 2-3 months. In that time, LMI will be looking for a region for me. :) And on to the second emotion, it looks like you cannot time adoption.............just as you cannot time pregnancy. :) I have so many teacher friends, sister, etc that try to plan getting pregnant in the Summer so they can have the little one in the Spring so they can take their time off just before summer break and have 6 months at home w/ the new baby versus 3 months of maternity leave, needless to say, this rarely works as planned. :) Tonight I have learned that I will probably be traveling in the Spring and not this Winter...sigh, sigh, sigh. Sad tonight!
So here is the estimated timeline now:
3-4 weeks at the Consulate (already one week in)
2-3 months at the Ministry in Astana, Kazakhstan
And an additional ___ months until I travel??
***Anne said that this is now the time when we have no control and this is the hardest time for families.
So here is the estimated timeline now:
3-4 weeks at the Consulate (already one week in)
2-3 months at the Ministry in Astana, Kazakhstan
And an additional ___ months until I travel??
***Anne said that this is now the time when we have no control and this is the hardest time for families.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
The Kozy Carrier

After much research, I have ordered my 'Kozy Carrier.' This carrier can be worn on the front, back or the side making it super versatile, plus it accommodates infants to toddlers. There is a swatch of the material that I chose above, it is the black, brown and blue squares, and the opposite side is just black so I can wear it either way depending on my outfit. :) hehehe Again, who says that it can't be practical and cute? As the Kozy website stated:
Because 'instinct' tells us to hold our babies. They are safe and secure when they are close to us, listening to our heart beating, feeling the warmth of our skin.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Show me what it's Like.....
I love vacation, it is rare that I take time for me to just sit and read and think and feel, tonight is one of those rare nights that I am not filling my time putzing and doing, I took some time to soak up this adoption. As posted earlier, I came across the most amazing adoption blog/story yet, and Jocelyn had this video and lyrics posted on her blog as well, it is so appropriate that I too must post.
A couple weeks back, a friend and I were out to supper and I was jabbering on about my adoption, and he seemed a bit disinterested, so I asked, "Why is is that you are tuning me out?" and he replied back, "because the adoption is all you talk about." I must add that this is a past boyfriend whom I adore and he is conflicted w/ my choices to start a family on my own, anyhow, after pondering this hurtful comment for weeks, I talked w/ him this weekend about just how hurtful his comment was. Here is the thing, my life pre-adoption was filled w/ work, and that was it! I could work 14 hours a day and be fine with that because what else was I supposed to do? What else did I have to talk about? Work! When he and I would talk, it was always about my work or his work or snowmobiling or something of little substance. What is life really all about? Work? Money? Things? Status? Or is it about love? Family? I choose the latter and I needed the latter! I am ready for something more in my world, something of greater substance, something that can make me smile and raise my spirits while at work................not just work!
If you watch this video closely, you will see that it is all about when each of our times on this planet is up.....I don't want for my life to have been pointless when this happens, I want to have been touched, to have experienced motherhood, to have been blessed w/ this little gift across the ocean, I want for more than what I have, I want so much more and I wasn't willing to wait any longer, now is my time to no longer want, now is my time to act on my dream of adoption. I am coming baby!
So here it is:
Prison gates won't open up for me On these hands and knees I'm crawlin' Oh, I reach for you
Well I'm terrified of these four walls These iron bars can't hold my soul in All I need is you
Come please I'm callin'And oh I scream for you Hurry I'm fallin'
Show me what it's like To be the last one standing And teach me wrong from right
And I'll show you what I can be Say it for me Say it to me And I'll leave this life behind me
Say it if it's worth saving me
Heaven's gates won't open up for me With these broken wings I'm fallin'
And all I see is you These city walls ain't got no love for me I'm on the ledge of the eighteenth story
And oh I scream for you Come please I'm callin' And all I need from you Hurry I'm fallin'
Show me what it's like To be the last one standing And teach me wrong from right
And I'll show you what I can be Say it for me Say it to me And I'll leave this life behind me
Say it if it's worth saving me
A couple weeks back, a friend and I were out to supper and I was jabbering on about my adoption, and he seemed a bit disinterested, so I asked, "Why is is that you are tuning me out?" and he replied back, "because the adoption is all you talk about." I must add that this is a past boyfriend whom I adore and he is conflicted w/ my choices to start a family on my own, anyhow, after pondering this hurtful comment for weeks, I talked w/ him this weekend about just how hurtful his comment was. Here is the thing, my life pre-adoption was filled w/ work, and that was it! I could work 14 hours a day and be fine with that because what else was I supposed to do? What else did I have to talk about? Work! When he and I would talk, it was always about my work or his work or snowmobiling or something of little substance. What is life really all about? Work? Money? Things? Status? Or is it about love? Family? I choose the latter and I needed the latter! I am ready for something more in my world, something of greater substance, something that can make me smile and raise my spirits while at work................not just work!
If you watch this video closely, you will see that it is all about when each of our times on this planet is up.....I don't want for my life to have been pointless when this happens, I want to have been touched, to have experienced motherhood, to have been blessed w/ this little gift across the ocean, I want for more than what I have, I want so much more and I wasn't willing to wait any longer, now is my time to no longer want, now is my time to act on my dream of adoption. I am coming baby!
So here it is:
Prison gates won't open up for me On these hands and knees I'm crawlin' Oh, I reach for you
Well I'm terrified of these four walls These iron bars can't hold my soul in All I need is you
Come please I'm callin'And oh I scream for you Hurry I'm fallin'
Show me what it's like To be the last one standing And teach me wrong from right
And I'll show you what I can be Say it for me Say it to me And I'll leave this life behind me
Say it if it's worth saving me
Heaven's gates won't open up for me With these broken wings I'm fallin'
And all I see is you These city walls ain't got no love for me I'm on the ledge of the eighteenth story
And oh I scream for you Come please I'm callin' And all I need from you Hurry I'm fallin'
Show me what it's like To be the last one standing And teach me wrong from right
And I'll show you what I can be Say it for me Say it to me And I'll leave this life behind me
Say it if it's worth saving me
I am so inspired I am in tears
This is what life is all about!!!!!!!!!! Check out the amazing journey of Jocelyn and Isaac.
I am so incredibly moved!
I am so incredibly moved!
The Astana Babyhouse
A fellow 'single Kaz mom' is in Astana right now adopting her little girl, and she sent me these photos of the baby house, it is amazing! Astana is now the capital of Kazakhstan and it is a region that I may adopt from, as for now, that is still in question. I am liking this region more and more the more that I learn. Astana is a blind travel only region, so there is no chance at a quiet referral here. It would all be about blind faith in LMI, my agency, if I am to travel to Astana, but then again even when traveling w/ a referral there is a lot of blind faith involved.
Peg Perego Rocker High Chair

Well, here it is, our new 'can do almost everything' high chair. It is even a rocker! It can even adjust to 7 different heights! It fold up super small! It has two trays! And best of all, it matches my Kitchen perfectly....... isn't that what it is all about? Who says it can't be cute and practical? :)
No More Oak
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Hepatitis, Typhoid, Diarrhea Oh My!
Yesterday I received an email from my coordinator that many referrals came in this week, so I quickly moved up in the process. :) Yipee! Not really sure what that yet means for me, but yipeee! I believe that my paperwork is still being translated, the estimated timeline was 2-6 weeks for that and at this point, my paperwork has been 'In Translation' for almost a month. Sheesh, hurry up! It seems that there are many families at the same point in the process as I am! :)
Tuesday I plan to call to set up an appointment for my immunizations, looks like I will need:
* Tetanus (just got)
* Hepatitis A (a series of 3 shots)
* Hepatitis B ( also a series of, I believe, 3 shots)
* Typhoid
* Rabies (maybe?)
* Tuberculosis (maybe?)
And this is coming from the girl that absolutely hates shots - ugh - I must really be serious about this little girl!!!!! :)
I am told that I should also bring:
stuff for diarrhea, hand sanitizer, flying insect spray, antihistamine, decongestant, anti-motion sickness medication, aspirin, ibuprofen, mild laxative, cough suppressant, throat lozenges, antacid, anti fungal / antibacterial ointments and creams, eye drops, first aid reference guide, mild sedative, anti-anxiety medication and water purification tablets.
Tuesday I plan to call to set up an appointment for my immunizations, looks like I will need:
* Tetanus (just got)
* Hepatitis A (a series of 3 shots)
* Hepatitis B ( also a series of, I believe, 3 shots)
* Typhoid
* Rabies (maybe?)
* Tuberculosis (maybe?)
And this is coming from the girl that absolutely hates shots - ugh - I must really be serious about this little girl!!!!! :)
I am told that I should also bring:
stuff for diarrhea, hand sanitizer, flying insect spray, antihistamine, decongestant, anti-motion sickness medication, aspirin, ibuprofen, mild laxative, cough suppressant, throat lozenges, antacid, anti fungal / antibacterial ointments and creams, eye drops, first aid reference guide, mild sedative, anti-anxiety medication and water purification tablets.
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Izaak, Elijah & Ty 'Bear'

Cousins (Izaak wants to name my daughter (his cousin) Isabella, Sant (for 'Santa') or Hershey (his friend's dog's name.) Hmmmm I told him that if we name her 'Hershey,' that would mean that we get to give her a lot of kisses.
Kolter Matthius Simon

Littlest Cousin......possibly. Kolter may indeed be the same age as his little girl cousin in Kaz. :)