I just have to post an update, since this is a public blog now. I know that it is fun to see how babies grow, learn, attach, etc. when researching adoption.
I can honestly, with my entire heart, tell you that Zahria is my daughter. She is my complete heart. She is attaching tremendously. She is brilliant, not just because I am her mom and a tad biased, but because it is the truth. I have been teaching her sign language, as a way for her to better express her desires, and she is catching on like wildfire. So far, Z knows: more, all gone, eat, hat, swing, bubbles, cat, dog, monkey, car, turtle, bird, ++++ She is just amazing!!! Zahri is now walking, mind you she couldn't crawl when I met her a mere 6 months ago. She is eating like a champ, nearly sleeping through the night (minus a couple bad dreams here and there), says 'momma and puppy', off the bottle and on to whole milk (lactose free), she loves music, is a freak about water / loves it, loves her puppies and kitty, ++++ I can't say enough amazing things about my daughter.
The following photos were taken by Nancy at Jane Bailey Photography. If you are from the Twin Cities / St. Cloud, MN area, Nancy does phenominal work!!!!! Check her out at www.janebailey.com