Per my 'The Complete Book of International Adoption' book, it states that:
Research suggests that only a little over 4% of heavy drinkers will give birth to a child with FAS (Abel, 1995); however, this statistic does not address the risk of other, less obvious impairments along the FASD spectrum.
I guess that I figured the chances of a child born to an alcoholic parent(s)to have FAS would be much higher than just 4%.
"No I didn't give you the gift of life, but life gave me the gift of you!"
Sunday, September 16, 2007
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Izaak, Elijah & Ty 'Bear'

Cousins (Izaak wants to name my daughter (his cousin) Isabella, Sant (for 'Santa') or Hershey (his friend's dog's name.) Hmmmm I told him that if we name her 'Hershey,' that would mean that we get to give her a lot of kisses.
Kolter Matthius Simon

Littlest Cousin......possibly. Kolter may indeed be the same age as his little girl cousin in Kaz. :)
I have been reading your blog for awhile now and am amazed by the similarities between the two of us. I'm a single woman in the process of adopting from Russia (waiting for a court date), sold a vacation home to pay for my adoption, live in a suburb of Mpls, am a Realtor (and also wonder and worry about becoming a single mother in this crazy market), my mom traveled with me on trip one and will be going back to Russia with me on trip two, and we also share the same name! I have had many of the same thoughts and feelings that you have expressed. International adoption is a rollercoaster! It sounds like you have a great family and support system which will help you get through the hard times! I'm praying that you get your call soon.
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