Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker
"No I didn't give you the gift of life, but life gave me the gift of you!"

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Skype Rocks - The Story of 2 Nerdy Friends

One day - not so long ago, okay so it was just today, actually it is right now to be exact - there were these two silly friends, for the sake of privacy, we will call them Christy and Marla (real names to protect the innocent, wait!!!!!!! those were real names) anyhow, back to my these two girls were diligently trying to figure out their Skype headsets, okay so the 'silly' part of the story starts here, they called each other from the same house, now wait a minute, it was actually the same room that they were calling each other from, and it WORKED, Skype actually works!

Hint#1 - No dropped calls when you are in the same room.

And then.............the story takes a bizarre turn, a turn for the worst, code name 'Christy's' mom calls her on Skype, let's call her 'Mom,' now remember, this story is all in real time here, and...............dun dun dun dun, they are connected, Skype works and Christy's Mom is now considered a Tech Saavy Mom, pretty impressive, and then ................ in an instant.........all went silent......... Mom, Mom she says, Mom where are you, what happened? But nothing, mom is gone! This can't be good Christy exclaims!! And then........ring ring, it is Christy's Mom again, calling on her computer, I know, weird hu, but this is totally real, this is a real story here, Christy picks up and indeed Skpye is back up and running and mom is just fine, and wouldn't you believe it, Mom's call is once again dropped. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm - might it be the Mom lives in Yuma, Colorado or does Skpye not Rock????

And the story doesn't end there because a half an hour later, Christy & Marla are still diligently working on their computers and continuing to talk via their Skype headsets while sitting in the same room. Bizarre! Who are these strange women?

And just to prove that this is a real story, the two retarded friends, 'Christy and Marla' are pictured below. Too Fun!

Trouble's with Christy & Mom Skyping, To Be Continued............

1 comment:

Kristi Gruizenga said...

I have Skype too! What's your screen name?

Izaak, Elijah & Ty 'Bear'

Izaak, Elijah & Ty 'Bear'
Cousins (Izaak wants to name my daughter (his cousin) Isabella, Sant (for 'Santa') or Hershey (his friend's dog's name.) Hmmmm I told him that if we name her 'Hershey,' that would mean that we get to give her a lot of kisses.

Kolter Matthius Simon

Kolter Matthius Simon
Littlest Cousin......possibly. Kolter may indeed be the same age as his little girl cousin in Kaz. :)