Wow, how time flies! Today I was just thinking back, this coming Sunday, December 21st, marks the one year anniversary of the day that I met my daughter. Wow, how life can change in just one short year. :) So many blessings! Our God is so Good!
I remember being taken to the Ymit Baby House in Aqtobe Kazakshtan. We entered the front doors and I was immediately taken into a small office right off the entry. The office was maybe 7x8', stark white walls, one small old desk, a filing cabinet and a small sofa like chair to sit on. When they brought in Zahria, they put her in my lap. Immediately she looked to her caregiver, then at me, and with a quivering lip started to cry for her caregiver. I was touched immediately, it was positive to see that she had some kind of attachment to her caregiver and some concern about me. After maybe a minute or two, Z was cautiously interacting with the little frog toy that I brought for her. We still have that same frog in our car. :) I was able to hold her for only a couple minutes and then they took her back to her Baby Room. I asked some additional questions of the Head Nurse and learned that her birth name was Zukhra, so close to the name Zahria I had connected with but hadn't committed to. I also learned that Z's birthday was March 3rd. That is my birthday! So many signs. Okay, so later I learned that her birthday is really March 30th, a small translation error, but still a connection nonetheless. That day I committed to start the bonding process. I left that little white office wondering what in the world had I committed to. I had such little information. What if.....? What if......? and what if.....? So many what ifs, but something in me told me that I was meant to bond with this little girl. Bonding was a slow process, filled with many emotions, but never did I have a moment where I questioned if this little girl was to be my daughter......she just was!
Fast forward to today, nearly a year later, and Zahria is a ball of personality! This girl has the best sense of humor out there!!! She runs around like nobody's business and dances up a storm, we call it 'Rocking Out!' Zahria is speaking in small sentences now too, some of her favorites are:
Oh No, What Happened?
Polka Dot
Mommy's House
Rock On Dude
Okey Dokey (LOVE this one!)
She is brilliant I tell you! This girl puts things together in her little mind that there is no explanation for. She is so smart!!!
All that I can say is that I am incredibly blessed! My daughter is my daughter 100%
We have not met but have been on a similar journey---adopotion as a single mom-- so I came across your blog over a year ago and had been following it during my "wait." I even added the link to my blog site for easy reference (for me!). I see you have now rolled off the first site and began a private site. Now that I am also a mom (to a five month old, adopted from Eugene, OR), I am thinking of doing the same for the obvious reasons. Feel free to view my blog, if you'd like, while I still have it up: www.babysteps007.blogspot.com/ Also, would you happen to know if there is a way to publish a blog in hard print. Oh, and your story is beautiful, just as your little girl is! It is apparent that she has brought true joy to your life. Happy to say that I think i can relate! =)
leslie (from Seattle)
Hi Christy,
We are leaving Monday for Aqtobe and have been "studying" your blog for tips! Thanks for all your info you have put in your blog! It helps to have some insight into this terrifying journey we are about to go on! Email me if you want an invite to our blog. rmshill@earthlink.net
Hi Christy,
Wow!!! Here I am back home with our daughter Audrey. I'm settling in and getting back to looking at my blogging friends blogs.
Seeing your latest photos brought a smile to my face. Zahria is so adorable :) I can see changes in her too. Glad I checked in!!
Take care & hugs to you & Z,
Happy New Year Christy and Zahria!
I'm so happy to see an update. Z is growing so fast and just cute as a button! You both look so beautiful in these photos.
Z and Milo have the same smile and sounds like they have the same sense of humor too. Must be something in the water in Aktobe!
I can so relate to all of the "what ifs" that race through your mind after that first meeting. It seems so crazy sometimes, but you just have to jump and enjoy the flight!
Much love,
Regina, Frank and Milo
We came across your blog and LOVE it!! We may have found it too late since it is now 2011, but we would love to chat with you about your agency and the process! My email is libby.mondello@gmail.com! We hope you see this and look forward to hearing from yoU!
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