She is mighty cute though! Big Kissable Cheeks! Dressed head to toe in pink! A little Kazak girl born March 30, 2007. ( I will post more tomorrow on the ‘selection’ process as well. Again, I am glad to have brought my Grandma’s Rosary with me.)

Here are several photos of my hotel, the Ritz Carlton of Aqtobe, or as Sandi put it, it is ‘fancy schmancy!’ Today I decided to venture out of my room a bit and found the pool, Sauna & a Bar / Restaurant area. Last night I found the main restaurant too, and I must say that the food was fairly tasty.
Daily Food Report: Yesterday was a day of ‘catching up on sleep’ so I forgot to eat really. Come supper time I ventured downstairs, knowing that there was a restaurant somewhere, and low and behold, I found it right by the lobby. The next hurdle was to ask, in English, if they had an English menu; needless to say I felt totally rude. Learn Russian all of you! I wish I had a good 20 words in my arsenal already, just so that I didn’t feel so bad not knowing / using their language. They did have an English Menu, thank heavens, that I have since asked to get a copy of in my room to study. I want to read over what things are and what the prices are before taking another 30 minutes to decide on my next meal. I guess that $1.00 is 118 tenge, figure that one out quick. Anyhow, I met a very nice Dutch man at supper that shared my love of the English language. We shared a table and talked about his past week in a ‘camp’ in far western Kazakhstan, he sells some converter or boiler system thingie for the gas rigs. It was actually very interesting; this area has much gas and some oil as well. It sounds like the Chinese have really taken care of Kazakhstan, due to their interest in the natural resources here. China actually installed the internet system throughout Kazakhstan, kind of a nice friendly gift from neighbor to neighbor wouldn’t you say. I wonder if they have ulterior motives??? Hmmmm sounds a bit fishy! Hance was my fellow Holland(er)’s name, and if you thought that my travels were trying he did the same trek from Amsterdam to Almaty and then to Aqtobe and on top of that took a 7 hour train ride to his ‘camp’ where he didn’t even have water to shower ………..for a week! Yuck! When I asked Hance how his flight was from Almaty to Aqtobe, he said it was ‘Fookin’ Crazy.’ I about peed my pants, this is a normal adjective in Holland I believe as I heard it all over the ‘Amsterdam’ airport too, but in America it is a pretty bad word so to hear it flow so freely was quite hysterical.
Anyhow, for supper last night, I ended up selecting a water without gas (normal bottled water), minestrone soup (similar and pretty tasty) and a Lamb Loin with vegetables (as Hance did, I figured if he ordered it I would be okay – copy cat!). Everything was quite tasty, no complaints whatsoever and better than the granola bar that I would have had.
Today I enjoyed some tea with milk, yogurt, and a piece of bread with cheese and lunch meat for breakfast. Not too bad. Lunch meat for breakfast? Weird but okay really.
And for Lunch I had a bowl of French Onion soup, quite similar to what we enjoy in the States, again pretty tasty. I learned not to order the fried shrimp as my lunch partner had, another English speaking gentleman working on the oil rigs, the shrimp are whole with the eyes and everything. Yikes! Seriously to find another person that speaks English is such a treat, makes me feel right at home. This man lived in Texas for about 10 years and then became an Oil Rig Brat, his father also worked with / on the rigs, thus he has lived in South Africa, Saudi Arabia and is now in Iran.
Man I really wish that my toilet would be quiet! It is so darn loud, and has been for about an hour. It sounds like a washing machine almost. Shut up in there would you!
You know I was going to wake up bright and early to read your blog. Holy Moly that is amazing that you have met your little girl. I hope the IA doctor hurries up so we can get some more information. I am already building a visual of her based on your description.. I will try hard to be patient, but not one of my fortes!
Sure does sound like you are at least able to meet up with some nice folks and are not totally alone. That is awesome. I seriously can't even describe how happy and excited I am for you. Maybe because I know I am right behind you. No matter what the reason, I am just smiling for you. I hope the dr's review gives you the Aok, and I hope you will share the process with us when you are ready.
Be safe my friend!
good morning brave traveler! Sandi emailed me and said GO CHECK CHRISTI'S BLOG, SHE MET HER DAUGHTER!
OK, i was not finished and it posted, oops.
Anyway, i am so happy for you too, and so PROUD OF YOU. You seem like you are being so brave and having fun too!! It makes me feel a lot better, cuz I was really starting to get nervous, except being so cold that my fingers feel like they'd fall off freaked me out.
If all you can complain about right now is a noisy toilet, life is pretty darn good!
Can't wait to hear more. I feel like we are right their with you, since you are so detailed in your descriptions==it's "fookin unreal"
LOL! You are a crackup.
This morning is a concert at my sons school then a Christmas party at school. :)
Cheers to you my brave traveling Kaz momma to be!
Of course the first blog I had to view was yours this morning. I completely understand that you'd want to wait to post photos & more info.
Christy....I am so excited for you!! Even though we are far away we're in this with you. I mentioned to Pat last night that I can't imagine not having a laptop to take with us. It will be our lifeline to friends & family.
Thank you for your detailed entries. It'll great for you to look back upon to remember your time there (and for your future little one to read someday).....but it's super for us who will be following your path.
We have always thought that we'd rent an apartment. But you have given us second thoughts if we go to Aqtobe. I did think of something last night - I know you brought a pan with you but since you're in a need :)
Pat is going to crack up at your "fancy schmancy" saying. It's one of the phrases where I can't say the second word to save my life. Pat just busts a gut laughing at me. It was on a TV commercial and that was how I discovered I can't say that word. He makes me say it like a 2 year old - slowly. But when I try to say the word fast - no dice!
Okay...take care Christy, stay warm & bond with your little one.
Hugs, Eileen
yay! holding aila as i write. can't wait to hear more!!! and all toilets run constantly in kaz and it drives us nuts!!!!!!
Wowsers! Sounds like everything is going very well. I hope too that the IA doc review is a go and you have found your baby girl. Can't wait to hear the details and see the photos when you are ready.
Now I'm starting to rethink the apartment vs hotel thing too! Except for the toilet, it sounds like a pretty good home base while in Kaz.
Big smiles and hugs sent your way!
Wonderful to hear that you met your daughter! Can't wait to see her beautiful little face when you post the pics.
Sounds like your restaurant experiences have been positive so far. :-) If you like shish-ka-bob, order "shashlick"...yummy!
How exciting you meet your daughter! We are anxiously waiting to see her beautiful pic but completely understand not wanting to post them just yet.
Thank you so much for all the details of the area and your hotel. The hotel sounds great. We were planning on doing an apartment but I told my husband we are staying in this hotel instead.
I was up at 6 am checking for news. My heart hurts, just thinking about her there with you! Don't you think it's interesting, her birth date in relation to the time when you actually sent in your paperwork? Remember how you were nervous about mailing it all? I'm going out of my mind waiting for pictures of you together. Is your Skype working?
Woo hoo!! Anxiously awaiting more news!! In the back of my mind I wondered if your new baby girl would have a very similar birth date. It's simply fate and a good omen.
Keeping our fingers crossed all goes well (and we get to see pics soon!!)
Of course your blog ws the first one I checked today (first change I had to check was now).
You sound like youre in great spirits, I totally admire you and other single moms who travel halfway around the world to find your child. You are strong, brave, adventurous, faithful, and incredible.
So glad to hear you met your child. Of course I look forward to pictures but knowing tht you think you found her is great. Hope the IA doctor gives you the stamp of approval!
Be safe and stay warm. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I am so excited and happy for you!
Yep, I'll join everybody else as yours was the first blog I checked today too! (Of course we have an ulterior motive as we are also traveling blind with LMI!). Congratulations on finding your little one... can't wait for more news!
Such good news! Good to hear you have arrived safely and have been able to sleep and eat and shower. All things we take for granted normally. Very excited to hear your news...hope you get an all clear and a thumbs up from the IA doctor.
Your blog was the first thing I checked this morning as well, and I was thrilled about the update! I read the most important part (you know, the part about what you had for lunch, haha) during our conference call and everyone at Little Miracles was happy to hear the good news. I'll wait until it is all official with the IA doctor before gushing more. Can't wait to find out the name!
Hey there! Sounds like things are going great! I jumped up early this morning and logged on to check your blog - you're so lucky! I think we're all living vicariously through you right now. Remember to take good care of yourself while you're there and be in touch when you can!!
YEAH! Did you ever think that this day would come?? I don't even know what to write! I am so proud of you, what a journy you are on. I can not wait to hear more about your daughter, congratulations! I hope everything comes back good with the doctors in the states. It sounds like you are meeting so many wonderful people. I can't wait to tune in tomorrow and see whats going on, on Channel Christy! Stay warm and safe, good luck.
Christy, I'm so excited by what you've been able to share so far. I told my Mom all about it on the way from my sister's place in Napa Valley back to my house today. We're keeping our fingers crossed for the big thumbs up from you IA Doc tomorrow!
Hugs and Kisses-
this is so exciting! I can't wait for tomorrow! And if I can't wait, I can only imagine how you feel tonight! stay warm and get some rest, do you have ear plugs to block out the sound of the running toilet? I'll check in tomorrow!! :)
She is a cutie. Just like her mommy. It's great that she sounds very healthly. I know that's a big relief. Yes, we are getting your emails (atleast I know I am). So don't worry about that. I wish you were getting ours :( It is probably overloading the system with all the emails people are sending you!!!!!! J/K I was wondering if it is your email that's the problem and not internet. Maybe go to set up a "" account. Maybe you could get incoming emails that way. I'm going to call Angie and see about Skypeing you tonight (and maybe hot tub too!!)
Stay warm.
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