"No I didn't give you the gift of life, but life gave me the gift of you!"
Thursday, March 13, 2008
New Blog is Up
Hi all, just wanted to give everyone a heads up that I sent out emailed invites to our new family blog today. If you didn't receive an invite, please email me, or post a comment with your email address, and if I know you :), I will send you an invite. By no means is the blog ready but I had fun news to share. :)
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Izaak, Elijah & Ty 'Bear'

Cousins (Izaak wants to name my daughter (his cousin) Isabella, Sant (for 'Santa') or Hershey (his friend's dog's name.) Hmmmm I told him that if we name her 'Hershey,' that would mean that we get to give her a lot of kisses.
Kolter Matthius Simon

Littlest Cousin......possibly. Kolter may indeed be the same age as his little girl cousin in Kaz. :)
Hi Christy,
I can't remember what email address I originally gave you, but we're having troubles with our IZOOM account, so I'll give you my other address, just incase. I'd LOVE to follow your new blog! Have a nice weekend! :)
Tanya (from Becker)
Hi Christy, I am a single woman in the process of adopting from Kaz, too. I've loved your blog and would love to continue to read about your life. If you are so inclined, I would love an invite. =-) Thanks! Margaret poobail@yahoo.com
You poor thing....thank goodness you and Z are ok from the fall! Well, at least we're not the only ones around here!!! Invite us to your new blog, please??? So great to hear from you. You are always in our hearts!
Love to you and Z!!!
Hi Christy,
I am a single mom who adopted my son Henry this past Nov.07 from Uralsk. I found your blog when you made it public and I loved your story of you and beautiful Z. I know another single mom who is waiting to traval to Z's babyhouse anytime now. I would love to be able to continue to follow along on your jounrey. If you would like to read my blog it is Jounreytokaz.com/tarpey.
My e-mail addresss is carolyn.tarpey@gmail.com
Z looks like she is doing great. Henry is amazing!
I would love to continue watching Z grow up! Especially because our children will be from the same area.
(from www.ruopoliadoption.blogspot.com)
i didnt get an invite...
please send me the link when you get a chance. Thanks!
PS Yeah for Jill and you! that is so awesome, what a relief it must be!
Hi Christy...it's Jackie, (Suzanne B's blog friend). I would love to continue following you and Z's new blog ;)
Thanks so much!!
Christy - hope I am not too late! I would love to follow your new blog - trudibehr@gmail.com (thumblini's nana t)
Hey Christy,
YOu invited me to the new blog and I saw it while in Kaz, but now I can't remember the address. I need to link it to my blog now that I have high-speed again. Can you send me the address? fla_shannon@yahoo.com
Hi Christy,
Congratulations! The baby is beautiful! Id love to follow the new blog.
Kristen from the SKM group
Hi Christy,
First off CONGRATULATIONS on your beautiful daughter! I had been a regular reader of your blog and then one day, poof you went private. I happened on your blog tonight and I was so glad to see that it wasn’t password protected but even more excited for you! I have spent the last hour reading about your adventure in Kaz and your journey to bring Z home. I’m also a single adoptive mom (although you’re not single – I learned that tonight) from MN. I brought my son home in November from Russia after waiting 8 months between trips. I'm still amazed by him everyday! I hope that you’re enjoying your first few months at home! Congratulations!
Hi Christy,
I just found your blog and have been absorbed it in all day! I am so thrilled for you and Z and that you shared your incredible journey. My husband and I just moved to NC from MN and are in the paperwork process for adopting from Kazakhstan. I would be interested in emailing you some questions, but I can't find your email address. This is my first time on a blog too! If you could email me, that'd be awesome, thanks! (when you have the time that is!) Thanks,
Barb F.
I forgot to give you my email address:
Hi Christie,
how are you? hope you are good. how is Z? just wanted to hear from you...
i do not knoe your email:(
(from Aqtobe)
Hi Christy, thought I'd pop over here again. I'd love to follow your new blog. I'm Suzanne's friend and she initially introduced me to this blog.
I hope you and your little one are settling in nicely.
Jackie, mom to Little Squirt from Kyrgyzstan (pipimaus@bellsouth.net)
Hello my friend! Just stopping by to say hi and thank you for your many awesomely supportive comments during our first trip to Kaz. We've had a tough couple of weeks, but we will get through this and will someday soon bring our sweet little guy home.
I gave your photos of Z to the Aqtobe team. They loved seeing them and were so happy for you!
XOXO, Regina
Hi Christy, Z is beautiful and I have really enjoyed following your blog! I am a single female in the process of adopting from Kaz and really hope to bring home a daughter as well! If you are so inclined I would really like to continue following you and Z's journey. I am at ceecee2u@gmail.com
thank you!
Just found that your blog is no longer private. My husband and I are in process of adopting from Kaz, waiting for our region assignment, and we would love to follow your journey raising your little girl.
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