Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker
"No I didn't give you the gift of life, but life gave me the gift of you!"

Thursday, March 6, 2008

That's a Wrap

Day 1 of Bonding

Today :)

This will be my final entry on our adoption journey blog; it is now time to start a new blog dedicated to our budding little family. Thank you all SO very much for following along on our journey, your comments and support have been nothing short of amazing. I have met so many amazing amazing people on this journey, something that I had never expected to happen. Who knew that adoption would bring together so many wonderful people and that the Internet, and this addiction we call blogging, would foster so many true friendships. What a bonus! :)

A special thank you to my favorite Ms. Suzanne in California, my first true friend I met on this amazing journey. You are a friend for life! I can't wait to meet your little 'soon to be' daughter from Kryg! :) Just a little over a year ago we were drinking wine in front of our fireplaces, emailing each other about agencies, websites, great books to read, our dreams, our fears, and just talking about our days and now I am home with my most perfect Z and you are soon to be traveling to Kryg to meet your little girl. Life is crazy amazing!

I also wanted to give a special shout out to Sandi, Kristi, Eileen, Susan, Shannon & Alysa. You are all amazing people and I am so excited to continue our friendships past our initial adoptions!

Thank you also to my cousin Stacy for following my journey and for printing off every entry for my grandma to read, I know that this helped ease my grandma's fears of having me overseas, on my own, adopting a little one. Thank you also for our wonderful blanket and for the collages of our time in Kaz, both collages are now framed and hanging in Z's nursery - they are perfect!

It goes without saying, a BIG thank you must go out to my entire family, thank you for all of your support throughout my journey. I know that I somehow tend to stretch the comfort in the family, but you all are amazing at your unconditional support. I am SO lucky to be blessed with the best family ever. I mean who else gets to have both their mom and their sister join them in Kaz? ME ME OVER HERE - ME! :) We all agree that Z is the most amazing little girl, she has such a wonderful spirit, and just meeting her you know 100% that she was absolutely meant to be in our family!

And to my friends here at home, a HUGE HUGE thank you for all of your support at home! My greatest friends Angie, Sherree and Marla, you 3 rock! Thank you for taking care of our business, paying my bills, getting my mail, feeding my dogs / kids, helping with gifts, packing my bags, skyping me while in Kaz, planning our shower, loving my little Z......... To the 2 greatest sisters in the Midwest, Jill and Liz, thank you for following our journey with such genuine interest and love, I loved getting your comments and Z loved meeting you last week! You 2 are amazing people, genuinely! I love you all.

My new blog address is this blog will also be an invite only site, so if you were already invited to this blog, you will be receiving an invite soon to our new family blog. If for some reason you don't recieve an invite in the next 2 weeks, please email me for an invite. :)



TanyaLea said...

So, so happy for you, Christy. Little 'Z' is so beautiful and it's very clear how much you love her. I can't believe how much changed for you in just one year! What a fast journey...that's wonderful!! Happy b-lated Birthday to you and I hope to receive an invite to your new blog. Blessings to you and 'Z'!!

~Tanya (from Becker)

Malissa said...

Your blog reads like a fairy tale with a wonderful happy ending.

Angela said...

Oh! How sweet! What a happy beginning. Thanks for allowing me to follow along! I wish your family all the best.

Tasha Kent said...

What a smile Z has!!

I agree with the others.. it seems like you lived a fairy tale this past year! Here's to happy endings!

Alysa said...


Your and Z's story is so beautiful and your blog has been a joy to follow. You have been such an inspiration and I thank you for allowing me to share this amazing journey to create your family. I'm so happy for you.

While this part of your journey has come to an end, the best part is just beginning! Congratulations! Many years of love and best wishes being sent your way.


Regina said...

You said it....crazy amazing!

I just love happy endings. AND beginnings. ;-)

Hugs to you,

Susan said...

thanks for making me cry.
Christy-you are such a strong, brave, wonderful woman. I'm so glad I met you. I Loved your blog-it was always so interesting and so fun to read. Z will be so proud when she's old enough to read it and understand it.
She is a lucky lil lady and you are a lucky momma--ya'll are perfect.

I feel so privilged to be allowed to follow along.

Are you going to have a wedding blog next? Sounds like you and "your man" are going to be hookin up sometime in the near future, maybe Z can be your flower girl.

So happy for you. :)

Matthew Ruley said...

What an amazing difference between your day 1 of bonding and today. She has the sweetest little face. I am so happy for you and I lookforward to following along!

McMary said...

Zahri is so beautiful and you blog has been so fun to follow along.
This past year must have all been a whirlwind and now you are home with everything you wanted--I am so happy for you.
Blessings to you and your family. I hope to get an invite to your family blog.
Take care, Mary

Kelly and Sne said...

You brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy that you have your perfect ending and even more perfect beginning.

Patrick & Eileen said...

Yes, we are sorry to see this end. Your journey really touched both of us. We are happy that you plan to continue on in another blog (just saw my card!!). I hope we get an invite - hint hint.

Z really is a beautiful little girl. I cannot wait to see her progress.

Thank you for not turning away a stranger, a buttinski from asking to be invited to your blog (remember I went through Sandi to contact you). Pat & I both loved your writing - so candid.

Thanks for sharing something so personal and wonderful.

Eileen & Pat

Suzanne said...

Christy, what a lovely post! And all those things you wrote about me, you know they're mutual! I can't imagine my adoption journey without you in it! I may have to hang a plaque over my mantle, officially naming it, "Christy's & Suzanne's Adoption Research Fireplace and Wine Bar."

I love all the pictures from the past few posts. Z looks so happy, like she's been there with you all along. And it seems there's exciting news brewing with you and John. That makes me happy for all three of you!

I'm looking so forward to following along on your new family blog!

You adoption soul sister-

Stacy Peters-Walters said...

You are such a good blogger mommy - I can't keep up with mine!

It is amazing to see how much Z has transformed with your love and attention! I'm so happy for you! Can't wait to meet her!

Liz said...

im sad that this is your last post on this blog. :( but i am glad that you will continue on with another. it is fun to follow and watch you guys grow!

Global Girl said...

What a happy little girl!

Looking forward to the new blog :)

Unknown said...

I'm a new reader to yoyr blog Z is so beautiful. I'm at the start of my adoption journey so all this is still new to me. i learn so much from blogs and would like read your new blog
blessings to you and baby Z
my email is

Pamela said...

Your story just keeps getting better. Z is thriving in your care and you seem to be glowing in your mommy-hood. A beautiful story indeed.


Stephanie and Gary said...

Hi, I have found your blog and was so impressed with your journey. I'd love to continue on if possible. thanks!

Izaak, Elijah & Ty 'Bear'

Izaak, Elijah & Ty 'Bear'
Cousins (Izaak wants to name my daughter (his cousin) Isabella, Sant (for 'Santa') or Hershey (his friend's dog's name.) Hmmmm I told him that if we name her 'Hershey,' that would mean that we get to give her a lot of kisses.

Kolter Matthius Simon

Kolter Matthius Simon
Littlest Cousin......possibly. Kolter may indeed be the same age as his little girl cousin in Kaz. :)