Wow, how time flies! Today I was just thinking back, this coming Sunday, December 21st, marks the one year anniversary of the day that I met my daughter. Wow, how life can change in just one short year. :) So many blessings! Our God is so Good!
I remember being taken to the Ymit Baby House in Aqtobe Kazakshtan. We entered the front doors and I was immediately taken into a small office right off the entry. The office was maybe 7x8', stark white walls, one small old desk, a filing cabinet and a small sofa like chair to sit on. When they brought in Zahria, they put her in my lap. Immediately she looked to her caregiver, then at me, and with a quivering lip started to cry for her caregiver. I was touched immediately, it was positive to see that she had some kind of attachment to her caregiver and some concern about me. After maybe a minute or two, Z was cautiously interacting with the little frog toy that I brought for her. We still have that same frog in our car. :) I was able to hold her for only a couple minutes and then they took her back to her Baby Room. I asked some additional questions of the Head Nurse and learned that her birth name was Zukhra, so close to the name Zahria I had connected with but hadn't committed to. I also learned that Z's birthday was March 3rd. That is my birthday! So many signs. Okay, so later I learned that her birthday is really March 30th, a small translation error, but still a connection nonetheless. That day I committed to start the bonding process. I left that little white office wondering what in the world had I committed to. I had such little information. What if.....? What if......? and what if.....? So many what ifs, but something in me told me that I was meant to bond with this little girl. Bonding was a slow process, filled with many emotions, but never did I have a moment where I questioned if this little girl was to be my daughter......she just was!
Fast forward to today, nearly a year later, and Zahria is a ball of personality! This girl has the best sense of humor out there!!! She runs around like nobody's business and dances up a storm, we call it 'Rocking Out!' Zahria is speaking in small sentences now too, some of her favorites are:
Oh No, What Happened?
Polka Dot
Mommy's House
Rock On Dude
Okey Dokey (LOVE this one!)
She is brilliant I tell you! This girl puts things together in her little mind that there is no explanation for. She is so smart!!!
All that I can say is that I am incredibly blessed! My daughter is my daughter 100%