Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker
"No I didn't give you the gift of life, but life gave me the gift of you!"

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Today I got word from my adoption agency that my Home Study has been okayed! :):):) That means that my home study agency can now send out my home study to the USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) and my understanding is that they then match it up with my fingerprints, etc. and send me out my I-171H, that is the last piece of paperwork that I need for my Dossier. After I receive the I-171H (CIS approval of an orphan petition) back from the USCIS, I then send off my completed Dossier to the Secretary of State in Minnesota to apostilled.

Authentication Information
Authentication is the process of verifying the official nature of a document so that it can be accepted at face value by officials in another country. Various documents (birth/death, marriage/divorce, police records, corporate good standings, etc.) submitted to this office are being used internationally for adoptions, dual citizenship, doing business, transferring school records, etc.

There are two ways in which documents to be used for official purposes in other countries can be authenticated. Some nations are signatories to the Hague Convention of 1961. The Hague Treaty is an international treaty agreeing to accept the signature of the Secretary of State of each state without having it certified by the U.S. Secretary of State. Documents going to those nations need only be authenticated by the attachment of an Apostille to each document. In Minnesota, an Apostille is issued with respect to the name of the Minnesota notary public, or the county or state official who has notarized the signature of the person or official issuing the document.

Documents to be used in all other nations are authenticated by what is called a "Certificate of Office." Check with the consulate or embassy of the particular nation involved for the requirements needed for an authentication to be valid.

Our office will provide a Certificate of Office or an Apostille, depending on what country the document is being sent to. In order to provide this certificate, our office will need the original notarized document or an original certified copy from the county. The notary or county official must provide a full signature and the date the document was notarized or certified.

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Izaak, Elijah & Ty 'Bear'

Izaak, Elijah & Ty 'Bear'
Cousins (Izaak wants to name my daughter (his cousin) Isabella, Sant (for 'Santa') or Hershey (his friend's dog's name.) Hmmmm I told him that if we name her 'Hershey,' that would mean that we get to give her a lot of kisses.

Kolter Matthius Simon

Kolter Matthius Simon
Littlest Cousin......possibly. Kolter may indeed be the same age as his little girl cousin in Kaz. :)