Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker
"No I didn't give you the gift of life, but life gave me the gift of you!"

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Mom and Becky are in Amsterdam

Today I logged on to check my gmail, quick because I am packing up our stuff for tomorrow's journey to Almaty, and there were 2 emails from my mom and sister. The first photo is of the 2 of them in Minneapolis, before taking off.

This second photo is Mom and Beck in Amsterdam; they didn't end up taking advantage of any of the 'coffee shops' in Amsterdam as we told my Dad they would. :) No magic brownies for mom! :) Sounds like the flight was great! The were able to see the ocean and channels just before arriving, so that was fun. Remember, my mom has never been over the ocean, so this was BIG time! My sister went to London in High School, but this was her first venture over the ocean since then. So fun and all for Z!

I believe that I already posted, but there are now 2 new couples here in Aqtobe from the States. :) Both have selected their little boys and are currently in their bonding period. This week, both couples came to my apartment and brought supper and chatted, it was so nice to meet them. And wouldn't you know it, we didn't take any photos of our group. I actually am okay with this though, as showering for me right now is a bit tricky and make up is an absolute, don't have time for yet. :) Hopefully I didn't smell too bad! Haha!

Here are Eric, Kami and Lincoln. Lincoln is just 2 weeks younger than Zahri. It sounds like he is a champ! He can already crawl and sit up and has quite a personality I hear. He is from Baby Room #4, so he shares a room with Laurie's little man Kyson!

And here are Joel, Gen and Gabriel (Gabe.) Gabe was Z's roomate! Rock on hu! He too is in Baby Room #3, so he is lucky, I really liked our caregivers there. Today I heard that Gabe was also getting his groove on a bit, it must be something about Baby Room #3 that makes their babies dance. :) I have already asked if Z can hook up with one of these 2 boys later in life. No pressure! haha

As for Z, she is still awesome! I didn't have any time today to upload our new photos and resize them for today's blog, but I will later this week. We are finding that she LOVES the mirror, she thinks that it is the funniest thing ever. Today she played in her walker in front of the mirror for quite some time, she couldn't figure out why that other person's hand (her reflection) kept doing the same thing she was doing. She kept trying to beat it to the mirror and then looked so puzzled when it was a tie. haha She also found on of my empty 5L water jugs and thought it was a great toy, who knew! It is like the cardboard boxes we played in for hours when we were young, they were the best! Before bed tonight we also took another bath, but this time it was more of a true bath than before. Zahri was still a bit leary, but she played with her toys a bit this time and let me actually wash her hair. It was so great! You could tell that she felt great when she got out. I lathered her up in Baby Oil again, and she smelled great! Is it smelled or smelt? :) Smelled looks funny! Now that I think of it, I think that Smelt is that nasty fish that people gather in MN to eat once a year at the Legion gatherings. Hmmmm


Alysa said...

Farewell Aqtobe! Hope all goes well on this last leg of your journey. It's wonderful that your Mom and sister are joining you in Almaty.

Looks like more happy parents in the Aqtobe baby house! I wonder which Baby Room my little guy is in... here's to hoping he comes out dancing!


Susan said...

You are so cute.
I'm so glad to hear you meeting new people and being a great lil hostess with the mostess.
i think it's that Z smelled great. :)

I do not smell great as I ran a half marathon this morning and have yet to shower. gross.
I'm going to go do that, had to check on you and Z. :)

Stacy Peters-Walters said...

I'm glad to year your mom and Beck made it to Amsterdam! Only one more day! How exciting!

Showers are a luxory some days with children. (grin) I have actually walked out of the house and realized driving down the road that I can't remember if I showered or if I brushed my teeth even. :-)

Patrick & Eileen said...

I'm sure you're so excited! I can see the excitement in your mom & sisters faces too. Z is in for adventure soon and is so clueless about it. Just wait until she meets the fam and takes a plane ride!

Liz said...

have a great time with your mom and sister! and have a safe flight home! What day do you arrive back in MN? I bet the clean fresh smell of your baby is the best thing ever! (and your right, it is smelled!)


Matthew Ruley said...

Its okay as long as long as Z didnt smell like smelt!

Travel safely!

Suzanne said...

welcome to Kazakhstan Mom and Beck!

I'm looking forward to your detailed descriptions & photos of Almaty, as I'll be staying there for a few days to complete my Kyrg adoption (like you're gonna have time to do that!)


Tammy Botten said...

I am so happy that your mom and Beck's flight went so well to Amsterdam. I couldn't wait to check your blog and see how their flight went. I will be so happy when you all are together. It was so great to see Beck and your mom at the MOA on Sat. They can't wait to see Zahria and you. Again, I can't wait to meet Zahria when you get back home! When Beck comes up, I will have to do lunch with all of you. Best of luck in the move.


Amy said...

Good luck Christy!!! So good to see that your Mom and sis are coming to see Z and you too! Can you believe that you are almost done!!!

Tasha Kent said...


mmmmm... magic brownies.

Tasha Kent said...

Ohhh.. I forgot to mention. I'm following you to Kaz!!

My dossier is being sent there (Uzbek just isn't moving).

Hopefully I'll get there sooner rather than later.

marsrob said...

Christy! Wow, we cannot believe that you are already on your way to Almaty! CONGRATULATIONS! We remember when Marina told us she was sitting on the airport floor with you waiting for your flight. Seems so long ago, but it was not. We are so happy for you. Sorry we haven't commented a lot, but Aila has kept us busy - to say the least. However, we have been following your journey and are thrilled for you! Send our love and hugs to Marina, please and to Sam in Almaty. We send you and your darling baby hugs! Safe travels and're almost home!!!

Pamela said...

Sorry I haven't posted in a while...been swamped with getting the doggone home study finished! I'm so excited that you're going to be heading to Almaty soon and that your mom and sister will be there with you. Wonderful!


Patrick & Eileen said...

Thinking of you and for a safe journey. Looking forward to hearing (+ photos)about meeting up with your mom and sis....of course about you and Z too!!

Izaak, Elijah & Ty 'Bear'

Izaak, Elijah & Ty 'Bear'
Cousins (Izaak wants to name my daughter (his cousin) Isabella, Sant (for 'Santa') or Hershey (his friend's dog's name.) Hmmmm I told him that if we name her 'Hershey,' that would mean that we get to give her a lot of kisses.

Kolter Matthius Simon

Kolter Matthius Simon
Littlest Cousin......possibly. Kolter may indeed be the same age as his little girl cousin in Kaz. :)