Nearly a week late on my post, but better than leaving you hanging. :)
Our plane ride went very well all things considered. I realized on the plane that it truly does take a village to raise a baby. :) I am not sure what I would have done without my mom and sister on our trip home. Truly, it is way more stressful than you even think it will be. We left Almaty at 8:20 a.m. on Sunday, that meant we had to leave our apt. at 6:00 a.m. which meant we had to be up at 5:00 a.m. and when you get to sleep around midnight - 1:00 a.m. 5:00 a.m. comes fast. Did you get all of that? haha When we arrived at the airport, a gentleman helped load all of our luggage on to a cart and brought it inside for us. I thought that I was being more than generous when I gave him 1000 tenge, this is about $9.00 He then told me that it was 2000 tenge. What? That is ridiculous! Isn't that supposed to be a tip job? I guess that I know what job I will do if I ever live in Kaz. 5 minutes of work and he made nearly $20. Crazy!
On both flights, us 4 girls scored bulkhead seats! Total Score! Originally when we got on the flight from Almaty I was upset because the lady at the desk that spent nearly 20 minutes 'getting' us bulkhead seats, didn't really get us bulkhead seats. Not even Z and I had bulkhead seats, and to top it off, my mom and sister were way in the back of the plane and Z and I were up front in a normal aisle seat. Grrrr! But 2 wonderful flight attendants to the rescue, and once the plane filled, she had set us up in great bulkhead seats. So nice!
They brought the bassinet to us but didn't hang it on the wall; Z is just under the recommended weight limit at 18 lbs, so instead we just set the bassinet on the floor. When I saw how small it was, and knew how tall Z is, I laughed. There was no way she was going to fit in there nontheless sleep or be content in there. But, much to our surprise, when we put her in the bassinet to play, she was great! This kid is unbelievable! It really makes me think that maybe they have small independant cribs at the baby house. That is the only explanation for her content in this tiny little crib. She did end up sleeping in the bassinet during part of the flight too.. On the second flight, she even slept in the bassinet attached to the wall of the plane. Yikes! There wasn't any floor room on this flight to just put her bassinet on the floor so we tried out the traditional wall mount bassinet, and it was good. It was kind of funny though, on this flight, the bassinet was soft, so they put a carboard box in the bassinet to give it shape and then they filled it with pillows. My girl had to sleep in a cardboard box.

We also learned that Z is a flirt. She loves boys, from afar of course. She was smiling and peek-a-booing with several men on both flights. It was great! We heard several times that she was just beautiful and that we had a remarkable baby. She was a total doll on both flights, barely a cry out of her. (She did cry, but it was so little that we can say that it didn't count.) On the flight from Amsterdam to Minneapolis, there was a large, very tattooed gentleman that sat next to us in the bulkhead seats. When he saw that he was to share a row with 3 women and a small baby, he sighed outloud. By the end of the flight, he and Z were smiling and flirting with each other too. It was great!
Sad news, our flight from Almaty to Amsterdam was nearly 2 hours late, so we were not able to meet up with Kristi at the Amsterdam airport. So close but no meeting. That was disappointing to say the least.
Tip - If you are bringing Russian Vodka home for your man (or a friend or family member) pack it in your checked luggage. We had zero problem carrying 3 .5 liter bottles on the plane from Almaty to Amsterdam, not even a ? in Almaty, but in Amsterdam they wouldn't allow it. If it were up to me, I would have thrown away all of our bottles but my sister was determined to get this Vodka back to the States. Now, my sister is not a drinker at all, I have probably only seen her tipsy twice (not even drunk) but she had paid a lot of money for this stuff, so we just had to find a way. In the end, we emptied Z's backpack of stuff, wrapped mom's coat around the vodka and checked the backpack at the security gate. Z's backpack items just went into a plastic shopping back which we then carried on to the plane and all was good. I am happy to say that all of our Premium Russian Vodka safely made it back to our boys. Feweee!
Z had fun listening to the kid's cartoons on the airplane, how cute is this!

When we arrived in Minneapolis, we took Z through the immigration line (after standing in the wrong line for 15 minutes) and within a matter of 5 minutes and maybe 5 questions, we were given the good to go. Z is now a U.S. citizen! How awesome is that! At this point we only have a Kazakhstan Passport for her and a U.S. Visa, but her U.S. passport is underway! As soon as our little girl breathed that Minnesota air, she officially became a U.S. citizen.
Then it was off to baggage claim where we found all of our luggage along with our Vodka backpack. Score! Then through another security line with our luggage, and bam, we might have meat in Z's baby food so off to the scanning line. Just an fyi - no baby food with meat people. After having to put all of our luggage through the scanner, we found out the my mom brought a huge back of nuts back into the U.S. Yikes! Luckily they didn't see this, but it was a good laugh after the fact. You can bring these items out of the U.S. but not back in, even if you initially brought them with you and are bringing those same nuts back in the States, it is a no no.
After going through the immigration, customs and security hoops, we were greated by my sister's family just awaiting our arrival. Ty, Izaak and Elijah (my nephews, mom's grandsons and Becky's children) Dan (Becky's husband). It was great! They had big heart balloons and gifts for Z. What a great gift.
I just can't imagine a bassinett on a wall, but I wondered how they let the babies sleep on those long flights.
No baby food with meat eh? I guess I'd have never thought of that one.
I got all weepy when I saw the pics of your homecoming. How wonderful to be all home! Stac
PS - Do you find yourself pinching yourself to see if this is all real?
I am so happy you are home. What a welcome home. The pictures are great..
Does it feel real? You look beyond happy. Yeah... I am thrilled for you..
Oh...what a fantastic story! From the bassinet, to the vodka, to the airport greeting, the story of how your family has come together is amazing.
I just want to say Welcome Home and it has been great following your blog. It brings back so many good memories.
Good luck,
God Bless,
Cindy & Kylie
I couldn't sleep and came downstairs to the computer. My first thought...check your blog!! I'm glad I did. Not only did you give us great tips (along with funny stories) but the photos were fantastic! I loved seeing your homecoming. I can't wait to share everything with Pat.
Well, it sounded like the trip home was relatively uneventful. And what a good girl - hardly a peep. How great it is to be met at the airport with an entourage of people you love! And how nice it must feel to be home! So, how's Zahri adjusting to life as a Minnesotan? Her first words "Ya hey der?" Sorry, couldn't help myself (I'm a native Wisconsinite and people constantly ask whether my accent is from MN or Canada!)
Welcome home! Hopefully you celebrated with some of that vodka!
Welcome home, Z and Christy!! I'm so happy your trip went smoothly and your welcoming committee was so.... welcoming! ;) The pictures say it all.
Hope you are over your jet lag and are loving your new life as a Minnesota Mommy!
Welcome home Christy + Z—you made it!!! What a long ride but look what you brought home, a real sweetie. Congratulations!!!!
We leave for Kaz this Thursday—we'll see you back in Minnesota mid to late April with our little kazahcutie.
Welcome home!! Love the pics. She is a darlin. :)
seriously, email me with her size clothes. I have a bunch of things i think she could probably wear. :)
What an adventure! I'm so glad to hear that Z was a total trooper on the plane. It's so scary to think that I might be the one with the crazy, screaming kid on the plane. :-) So glad she was an absolute angel. Thanks for the photos of the airplane bassinet...I always wondered how the heck they did that.
Looks like you received a wonderful welcome at the airport. Those stories always get me. Hope you all had a nice toast with the Vodka!
Hey! We're in Kaz. Kate gave me your gifts for everyone in Aqtobe. We're happy to deliver them for you. I'm very happy you are home. -Karla
Wow, what a great story with great pictures!
So you know, there's no way I'm going to be able to keep myself from visiting you girls before I leave to get my wee one. I'll give you a few months to get settled in. But I just have to come see you and wee Z. Way to invite myself over, eh? I'll cook dinners and change diapers when I come, to earn my keep.
Welcome home! I am so glad your flight went well and Z was such a trooper. She is a beautiful little Minnesotan! And you are a beautiful family. I am just so happy for you.
If we need invites for your family blog--be sure to include me.
Oh I got all teary eyed looking at your welcome home pictures! We are so happy for you both and your whole family to have Miss Z safely home forever.
Thanks for the pixs of the bassinet I can't help but wonder if our lil monster will sweetly hang out in it or not.
Don't forget us when you start your family blog we don't want to miss our on your future family adventures.
~Kami, Eric & Lincoln
Welcome home! I didn't follow your journey but have seen you around the blogs. :) Congratulations on Z, she is adorable. I would love to follow your new beginning home. Our blog is private too, email me if you would like an invite.
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