Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker
"No I didn't give you the gift of life, but life gave me the gift of you!"

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My Kids

My little man, really not so little, Diesel (on the left) and my momma dog, Rylee (on the right.) Diesel just turned 1 and Rylee is 9. Cute hu!

1 comment:

John & Jenny Morgan said...

Cute kids. What are they going to think when there's a little baby pulling on their tails? : )

I saw your comment on Sandi's page that you were at around the same point in the adoption process as we are. We actually started the process in May 2006, but we had to start over in May 2007 after India, from which we were adopting, basically closed its doors to non-Indian families (as if they have a shortage of children in need of homes!). I look forward to reading your blog.

Izaak, Elijah & Ty 'Bear'

Izaak, Elijah & Ty 'Bear'
Cousins (Izaak wants to name my daughter (his cousin) Isabella, Sant (for 'Santa') or Hershey (his friend's dog's name.) Hmmmm I told him that if we name her 'Hershey,' that would mean that we get to give her a lot of kisses.

Kolter Matthius Simon

Kolter Matthius Simon
Littlest Cousin......possibly. Kolter may indeed be the same age as his little girl cousin in Kaz. :)