The final tally is in, but first, here were the guesstimates on our final numbers:
* Linda - $2250.55
* Marla - $2413.67
* Angie - Couldn't guess because I spilled the beans to her.
* Becky - $2350.00
* Sherree - $1615.14
* Suzanne - $2482.85
* Liz - $2600.00
* Jill - $2200.00
And the winner is.......Liz! Our final adoption garage sale proceeds were $2649.56!!!!!!! Who would have ever thought that you could make such incredible money at a garage sale? Pure craziness! It is now 2 days later, and it seems that we are all still recouping, what an intense weekend! Work, Work, Work in the Hot, Hot, Hot Sun! But, I must say, that I think that we all still had a great time hanging out, eating hot dogs, listening to music under the umbrella, baking in the sun, sorting and re-sorting, organizing continuously & drinking cold smoothies for breakfast.
What amazing, lasting memories! All this for my baby! :)
OH.MY.GOD. The most I've ever made at a garage sale was 200 bucks.
Way to go! Congrats!
Christy, needless to say I was very impressed with how much you raised for your adoption garage sale. My husband and I are adopting from Kaz too and we are having an adoption garage sale in May to raise money. I was wondering if you had any hints of some extra things you did to raise money. Besides asking friends and family for items to donate.
Thank you!
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