Okay, first and foremost, I want to thank my great friend Sandi, one of my 'S Group / Hot Florida Mom' friends, for the cutest dress ever! When I met Z, she was too little for this size 12 month plaid dress, but just today we tried it again, and walaaah it nearly fit. Must be all that good fruit juice I am feeding her. She looked so darn cute! Thank you so much for sending the dress to us before I left Sandi, it was so thoughtful and so appreciated, and even though we didn't get to wear it for Christmas as planned, we will get good wear out of it for the rest of winter! I did have to put some pajama pants under the tights though because the caregivers would have kicked my butt had I not, she would have just been too cold with only tights. They are pretty finicky here. :) hehehe
The 4th photos is of Z trying to steal her bottle, which is already empty I might add, from her diaper bag. Poor kid is hungry! :)
Our normal daily schedule:
Ceric picks me up around 9:45 and I arrive at the baby house around 9:55. I stay until just before noon and then return the hotel or go shopping. I then come back from about 4:00 and leave again at just before 6:00.
Well last week I was asked to please come to my afternoon visit just a bit earlier so I can feed Z. Happily I said. And now yesterday, I was asked to also come to our morning visits about 15 minutes earlier so I can also feed Z. No problem at all!
Well…..today I found out that the reason they want/need for me to come to feed Zahri is because she is too much to now handle in the group. Hahaha I guess that when it is time for feeding she cries, until they feed her,which makes them have to feed her first, she then now wants for them to hold her after feeding, or she cries again. They said that she is now just too spoiled (they use that word a lot) and it is difficult for them in the Baby Room. That is so funny to me. They also mentioned that she now steals the other baby’s toys. Why is this so funny to me? I am not sure, but I love it! She is coming into her own. She is realizing what it feels like to be a normal, happy, loved child. This is so good! I am happy to feed her, I would rather do that anyhow. My girl has the fight of flight thing figured out, she is going to get her food, and her toys, one way or another. She isn’t just going to sit back and lay down in her crib any longer! But then again, they said that she has always been a bit vocal about being hungry.
The word ‘spoiled’ is used a lot here, once the babies are bonding with their new families, they blossom and that tends to cause a bit of chaos in their baby rooms. The caregivers are not mad about this, I am sure that it is just more challenging for them as they are used to a certain routine, and certain behaviors from each child, and now, we give them love, one on one time, and they start craving that. The poor caregivers just can’t give that to them though, they are really only there to meet their most basic needs because that is all the time they realistically have.
Today one of the caregivers got a bit upset because one of the babies was having a tough time going potty, he screams, he cries so hard, it is traumatic for him, so his parents again asked what they might be able to do. An orphanage doctor came in and asked to see his file. It seems that this has been going on for some time, but of course their reasoning for him having a hard time going potty was because his parents are now feeding him juice and fruit purees. Um Whatever! Anyhow, my point is that the caregiver said that he is now so ‘spoiled’ that every time he goes potty he wants to be held and his screams are now louder because he has been spoiled. Wo! That is so crazy to me! Do you think it might hurt? Do you think that maybe it has always hurt, and he has always screamed, but maybe they didn’t have the time needed to put 2 and 2 together? Well, we are happy to SPOIL these babies.
Check out our newest You Tube! Z has become even more connected these past 2 days, she is really finding her own little personality. Today she started babbling, something she doesn’t tend to do often (she is a fairly quiet baby with a coo here and a giggle there but that is it), and she was babbling loud enough to get the attention of our entire group. It was so cute, probably even cuter than normal because she is usually so quiet. We all started talking with her in baby talk, and she just kept on going with her dadadadada and some other stuff, and then she would do the ‘s’ sound for quite some time, long enough to start spitting, as if to prepare for another big sentence of dada. It was great! Sorry the video is sideways not sure if I could have changed that before uploading, or afterwards for that matter, but you will get the idea of just how darn cute she is.
It sounds as though Z is going to be a bit like her Mom---personality plus!!!! With your love and support she will become an independent woman--again, just like her Mom! It has been such a treat watching her grow, change and flourish under your care. I hope that this blog goes on for a very long time! I love feeling connected!
Z is blooming now that she has her Mom! What a little doll. The video is so cute!
It is interesting that the caretakers have a harder time with the kids that have been bonding. That is actually a very good sign. Makes me rethink my 2 trip plan once again.
That dress is pretty hot too. Good job Sandi. Two foxy girls in Kaz!
Just wanted to thank you and let you know how important your daily paragraghs and pictures have become to us. (Even our moms are reading.) You and your blog are helping us stay sane. We are living through you everyday with the hope and anticipation that our future adventure goes as well as yours. We are ready to begin our new life. Karla and I hope to meet you and your bundle of joy face to face very (very, very!!!)soon.
The dress is so cute! Z looks stunning in those colors.
We also heard a lot about how we were 'spoiling' Alex. I think it is a good sign.
The dress is precious!!! And, you can't spoil a baby! But how totally wonderful to see what love and attention does, and hey, good for her, BE VOCAL about your food girl! She's a girl after my own heart.
I love seeing how smiley and happy she is. It just makes me tear up. Such an amazing journey and seeing the love grow between the kids and their parents.
Her dress is adorable!!!
I'm so happy Z is babbling the "S" sound, it means she wants to meet us all!!! ;-)
Christy and Z,
I am so happy that the dress now fits. You look beautiful. Christy send me a picture so I can put it in Baby M's book of her friends.
She looks so cute and she is getting so big. I love that she is independant, just like her momma.
I am so happy that you get to feed her every day, she knows who her mommy is and what she wants she gets :)
I have been following your blog everyday. Z is beautiful and so full of life! I was also told that I was spoiling Madina after we had bonded for several weeks. They said she tried to make eye contact and wanted to be held all the time. It is great to really see how your love affects your little one. Best wishes for the rest of the trip.
I LOVE the dress. Beautiful! And I love it that she is becoming Miss Demanding. You go, girl!
Such awesome news about how well Z is doing!!! I am so glad you stayed the entire time. It is really paying off for Z and you too! What a great picture of the three of you feeding your babies!
I love her new dress, she is so adorable. Nothing can be wrong about spoiling a baby, way to go Z!.
I absolutely love reading your blog. Thank you for sharing all of this with me, Christy and Z. What a beautiful, beautiful baby, and what a natural mother you are. This does not surprise me at all, as Becky is such a wonderful mother also. When you get home, I would love to come and meet Z if that would be OK - better yet, if Beck comes up, I will come and see both of you. Enjoy everyday with her and give her lots of kisses. You are so brave Christy and you are doing such a great thing for Z. God bless!
Hi Christy, Got your post on our blog. We're with LMI too. -Karla
Hey Christy,
Congrats, she is sooooo cute!!!
I can't wait to head over and spoil my child!
Here's my blog if you have down time and want to read.
Congrats again on such a cutie!!!
Hi Christy,
It's been a few days since I was blog reading and you have so many fun things to read about. Your whole time with Zahri sounnds so wonderful. I look forward to the days when I can travel, meet, and spoil my daughter.
Mary from Minnesota
It's great to see and hear little Zahri coming out of her shell more and more every day! She is so your daughter!
(P.S. I just left a comment two posts back about the teddy bear rug pictures - a little late, so I didn't want you to miss it.)
She is just gorgeous and - I can tell she is smart too from her conversation skills!
I love that she's spoiled! Just wait until you get her home... she'll be a diva! and rightfully so.
Loooove the video!
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