Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker
"No I didn't give you the gift of life, but life gave me the gift of you!"

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Comments on my Blog

To my friends & family, now that you are signed up and have your google user name and password, you can start leaving comments on my blog too. :) Just click on the comments button after each entry and you can read other's comments and post one too! :)


Marcia said...

Hello Christy,
Just a quick note to say I navigated my way through the sign-in for your blog, and am very excited and grateful that I will be able to follow along on your journey!!
My best wishes,

Sandi said...

I love the name game :) You are brave, i kept it to myself until I had it narrowed down then I mentioned it to my family knowing that I had already made up my mind. However, I have not announced it to blog world and hope to do so once I meet my daughter.

I can't wait to read more updates, ahh the time is coming and soon you will be 1/2 way around the world.


Izaak, Elijah & Ty 'Bear'

Izaak, Elijah & Ty 'Bear'
Cousins (Izaak wants to name my daughter (his cousin) Isabella, Sant (for 'Santa') or Hershey (his friend's dog's name.) Hmmmm I told him that if we name her 'Hershey,' that would mean that we get to give her a lot of kisses.

Kolter Matthius Simon

Kolter Matthius Simon
Littlest Cousin......possibly. Kolter may indeed be the same age as his little girl cousin in Kaz. :)