Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker
"No I didn't give you the gift of life, but life gave me the gift of you!"

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

GOT IT - MY LOI CAME TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Hi all, I received the most fabulous & unexpected news this morning, my LOI is here. :) I will post more later tonight hopefully, when I have time to process and breathe, but for now this is what I know:

I should be in Aktobe the 19th - 21st of December. The 16th, 17th and 18th are days off in Kaz, the 19th is a working day, the 20th is a day off and the 21st is again a working day. I am trying to get my Visa application off yet today and am hoping to book my flight to arrive in Kaz on the 18th or 19th if at all possible. I am hoping that the Visa is a speedy turn around!

I can't even explain to you the sheer panic I am in right now, not panic in the way of necessarily freaking out, just panic in the way of knowing that I have a big list of things to do before jetting out to meet my little girl in Aktobe for what will probably be her first Christmas ever.

Will post again soon, just wanted to share with you all asap!!!!


Alysa said...

WOO-HOO!!! I am so excited for you! And I understand your panic. I'm panicked about that big list without even being close to LOI! Just work on the most important "have to's" take it one item at a time, try to get some sleep, and GO MEET YOUR BABY GIRL!! What a wonderful Christmas present! Keep us posted and enjoy the journey. I'll be following your blog every minute!

Warmest wishes for the most wonderful journey of your life!


Kristi Gruizenga said...

FINALLY! How exciting! I am so thrilled for you. And over Christmas, no less. Ya think the best Christmas gift EVER! Congrats! Good luck! I'll be pouring over your blog while you're traveling!!


Sandi said...

WOO HOOO YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. THIS IS THE BEST NEWS EVER. Holy cow I can only imagine your state of panic. Just keep breathing and work through your list one at a time.


Warm wishes and safe travels. I can't wait to keep reading your updates and finally get to see pictures of you and your daughter.

Matthew Ruley said...

OMG! I bet you didn't think you'd travel until January! What a SHOCKER! BUT absolutely FANTASTIC! We are so thrilled for you. Travel safely. The best Christmas gift ever! Congrats...

Suzanne said...

Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God! I want to call you right now but know you're in a tizzy and just need to get things done! Oh my God! I have tears on my arms and goose bumps in my eyes - wait a minute, reverse that!. I'm so excited I'm not writing straight.

Ack! Post more when you can! What an amazing Christmas you're going to have!


Patrick & Eileen said...

I just did a big yell when I saw your latest post!! My poor cats didn't know what was wrong :)

OMG!!! I am so excited for you. I can't wait to share this with Pat. What a Christmas/New Years you'll have! I sort of feel like your story is one that could be on "Lifetime for Women."

I am so happy for you Christy. Big hugs to you. I'll be watching for updates. Oh....could you post (if you think about it) what travel agent you're going through, are you going via Germany? If you don't want to post this info could you e-mail us at

Take a breath, have a glass of wine and a long bubble bath tonight :) WOO-HOO


Anonymous said...

Ditto what everyone else said, plus I will have a glass of wine in your honor tonight! ;-)

That's awesome, what a Christmas to remember!!!

Wow, in less than two weeks we'll be reading about YOUR DAUGHTER!

Susan said...

so happy for you!!! that is the best gift ever!!!! I can't wait to follow along. CONGRATS.

I will have a glass of wine for you tonight. Fixin to leave for some dinner thing for my hubby. :)

You can get it all done. You are super woman and you are ready!
If anyone can do it, you can. :)

Kelly and Sne said...


We're so excited for you!

Liz said...

This is the best news! Who would have thought that Dec. 11th started out a normal day and has just become one of the most important days of your life so far?!?! I can't wait to see pictures! Enjoy!


Unknown said...

Tears, tears and more tears....all happy ones! My beautiful daughter---and my wonderful new granddaughter! Definitely a Christmas to remember! Tell me what I can do to help!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how you feel upon hearing those words? Or better yet, having that paper in your hands?! I am so excited for you Christy! I left for Kaz on Dec. 10th and met my daughter on Dec. 13th. Yes, it was very cold, but it's so beautiful there in the winter. We just got a bunch of snow here in Iowa and it always reminds me of my time in Astana.

Good luck, be safe and cherish every minute of the trip! I will be following each day with great anticipation. Can't wait to see some photos of you two!!


Cindy said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you. This is the best Christmas present any one could get. I look foward to following along and remembering my time in Aqtobe last year!!
Safe travels!!
Stay warm!!

Angela said...

Holy moly! It is here! I haven't posted on your blog lately, but was thinking that you were due recently! And, here you are . . . off to Kazakhstan. YIPEEEEEEE!

Amy said...


marsrob said...

OH MY GOODNESS CHRISTY!!!! We missed all of this greatness!!! CONGRATS! We are SOOOO thrilled for you! If you are going to stop for one night or more in Almaty before you head out to the baby, let us know! we'll probably be in Almaty waiting to leave until after xmas because of holiday stuff. Oh Christy, we are OVERJOYED for you! What a beautiful holiday gift!


Izaak, Elijah & Ty 'Bear'

Izaak, Elijah & Ty 'Bear'
Cousins (Izaak wants to name my daughter (his cousin) Isabella, Sant (for 'Santa') or Hershey (his friend's dog's name.) Hmmmm I told him that if we name her 'Hershey,' that would mean that we get to give her a lot of kisses.

Kolter Matthius Simon

Kolter Matthius Simon
Littlest Cousin......possibly. Kolter may indeed be the same age as his little girl cousin in Kaz. :)